Growing up my family would tell stories about their lives and the past. One story has stayed with me. My grandmother got a call one night saying my grandpa was on his way home, and that he was drunk and had a gun. With seven small children in tow, my grandmother got all the children out and went to a safe place. When they returned in the morning a neighbor’s car had been shot up. This was just one of many stories I have heard over the years.
I have completed several internships over the years and most have been in domestic violence shelters. I was a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for almost 4 years helping abused and neglected children. Until recently, I was a court advocate at Clay County Courthouse helping people fill out Orders of Protection. As a counselor in my private practice, I help people empower themselves with better choice and life skills. I tell you this not to pat myself on the back but to show how sometimes it’s not our past that helps define who we are but the history of generations who came before us. My past has not be been abusive but I am still influenced by the experiences my mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and so on. So in the present I can help those who have similar situations break the cycle and have different experiences to hand down to future generations. If you or anyone you know needs help to escape a domestic violence situation you can contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-787-7233. For more information please see my Resources page at Or contact me by phone 816-200-2532, or email [email protected].