I woke up Monday to the tragic news that over 50 people had lost their lives and over 500 people were injured in a senseless act of violence in Las Vagas. I kept up on the details as they came throughout the day on Monday, still looking for a reason that this happened. Was there a history of unstable behavior, mental illness, loss of job or relationship that sent him over the edge. As of this post I don’t believe there has been any reason given.
My children saw a piece of the news and asked what happened. I told my 8 year old boys that a man went to a room in a hotel in Las Vegas and began shooting at people attending a concert across the street. He killed over 50 people and over 500 were hurt. They, of course, asked why. This was an answer I could not give them. I said, I don’t know. Sometimes people do things because they are sad, angry or have an illness, but I don't know why this man did what he did. What I do know is that people stood in line for hours to give blood to those who were injured, while others handed out water and food. People all over the world are praying for the people and families of those who where killed and injured. I told my boys that even though we see a lot of mean and hurtful things in this world, we also see how people come together and help. It is our darkest hour that shows us who we are. We are still a world filled with love, compassion, empathy and good will towards our neighbors and strangers. There will alway be good people, and good will overcome the darkness because it only takes one light to shine to dispel the dark. You can be that light in a world full of shadow. We can all be that light and then darkness will never overcome. My thoughts and prayers go out to Las Vagas, the people and families that were hurt and killed. The rescue workers, doctors and nurses who face tragedies head on, with such grace and courage.